Reach Out to Others
As Christians we are called to live out our purpose of building relationships and living God's transforming love in the world around us. We provide time, talent, energy, donations (stuff) and financial support for God's work within and beyond our church walls. The ROTO Outreach Committee focuses on opportunities for our nested church to offer support in the community, in alignment with the values of our Christian faith to help and support where it is needed.
A collaborative committee of dedicated members of our nested church community is forming, and will work together to determine priorities and lead efforts toward this goal. If you are interested in being part of this committee or would like to share your ideas, please reach out to Tammy Rowe, through Kelly in the church office.
Here is a Snapshot of 2024
January to November: $7,169.00
➢ Special Projects
➢ House of Friendship
➢ Ray of Hope
➢ Blessing Box
➢ Chandler Mowat
➢ Food Truck Frenzie
➢ Individual Donations
➢ Community Support Connections
➢ FHUC Environment Committee
➢ Food Bank
➢ Child Wellness Centre
December 2024: $3,153.00
✓ YW: Donation
✓ Chandler Mowat
December 2024: Estimated Value of Time, Talent & Treasures $ 9,055.00
➢ YW ➢ Giving Tuesday ➢ $1,000 ➢ 1:1
➢ Foodbank ➢ 261 pounds ➢ $3,915 ➢ $15/pound
➢ Salvation Army /Laurier Sarah’s Toy Drive ➢ 6 boxes=$3,000➢ $500/box
➢ Humane Society Pet Gift ➢ 4 Boxes ➢ $ 840@$210/box
➢ Delivery: Laurier, Foodbank, KWHS ➢ 6 people ➢ $ 300
➢ Santa ➢ Santa ➢Immeasurable Value
Plan for 2025 -- Key Priorities:
Going forward our focus is home, food and family. As our children reminded us during Sunday Service on February 23, most of us are fortunate to have some support and help when we need it, from our family and friends and community. We feel safe & secure in that. Help is something we ask for, give and receive when we need it. Support is around us to help us grow, like with with encouragement and advice when we need it. Our happiness matters.
This year we are inviting guest speakers from the organizations we support, to make a brief informative presentation, welcome discussion and answer questions. Priorities will be confirmed in the months ahead. We will provide regular communication during announcements, and on the email blast.
Homelessness/Housing Insecurity—Wrap around support for youth, women and children at risk of or experiencing homelessness: One Roof, YW Kitchener
Food Insecurity-- Food Bank of Waterloo Region
Family: Salvation Army/Toy Drive; Designated Clothing Drives, Christmas Angel Tree, Humane Society of Waterloo Region.
Thank you for your help and support, in reaching out to others. We’re grateful for your support of this outreach ministry in our community.
Tammy Rowe,
Team Facilitator - Reach Out To Others.