Be in Community

Forest Hill United Church continues to be a thriving community.  We have 7 churches that worship in this space and many groups that call Forest Hill home as well. Under this roof we share space with the Girl Guides, & Brownies, the Quilting group, the Montessori School, Building Bridges, Maycourt, Guys & Dolls, Noteworthy Music, Singles & Seniors, and Alcoholics Anonymous.

All of these “partners” help to enrich the life of Forest Hill United Church.

This past year we have had opportunity to bring some of our treasured activities back to life and to participate in some new adventures.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was a huge success again in the spring.  Our Singles and Seniors Dinners continue to come together every month to share food and fellowship and we look forward to new culinary experiences.

We “rallied with our cars” to go on a road adventure in May followed by a BBQ back at the church once the tour was completed. 

Here’s to discovering all the opportunities that lie ahead in 2025.

Susan Hummel
Facilitator, Be in Community


Pastoral Care


Community Outreach