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“What Matters?”

Last Sunday after the blessing of the prayer shawls, one of the congregants stopped to chat with me. She shared that seeing me up at the front with the purple triangle shawl wrapped around me, talking to the kids about the comfort and love stitched in the shawls as a way of letting someone know that we care and are thinking about them, a dear friend came to mind…. a friend challenged with stage 4 cancer whose favorite colour is purple. She asked, “Would it be alright if I took that purple prayer shawl to give to my friend?”
“What matters?” What matters are those thoughts, words and actions that connect us to one another; relationships that are born, nurtured and stitched into the matrix of our lives as reflections of God’s matrix of all life and love.
What matters is the willingness and openness to dig deeper past the often time surface human wants and needs to that which centers ourselves…to that inner sanctuary where we touch the matrix of God’s life and love….to where the seeds of love, trust, possibility and hope are nurtured.
“What matters?” Gracious hospitality given and received…to others and to self!
May this profoundly simple question, “What matters?” keep our curiosity alive and well in the days ahead!
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously. Micah 6:8 (The Message)